Ul. Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9, 10000, Zagreb

dr. Martina Menđušić Ivić was born in Šibenik, where she finished high school, after which she entered the Faculty of Medicine in Split. After one year, as an excellent student, she continues her studies in dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry in Zagreb, where she graduated. During her studies, she acquired theoretical and practical knowledge assisting in private practice offices in Zagreb.

After completing his studies, he is employed in several renowned polyclinics where he improves his knowledge, builds experience and develops the characteristics of quality work. He regularly attends international congresses and seminars in the country and abroad and follows the latest developments in dental medicine.

2020. godine magistrirala je na poslijediplomskom specijalističkom studiju Dentalne implantologije na temu „Utjecaj sistemskih bolesti na oseointegraciju dentalnih implantata“ na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Autorica je nekoliko znanstvenih i stručnih članaka. Od 2021. godine radi kao specijalizant na Zavodu za oralnu kirurgiju Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.