Ul. Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9, 10000, Zagreb

Endodontics is a branch of dental medicine that deals with the therapy of pathological processes of the dental pulp. The dental pulp consists of a tangle of nerve fibers and blood vessels, the infection of which can cause bone inflammation and the development of “granuloma”. By treating the tooth root canal, the spread of the infection into the bone should be prevented, thus preserving the tooth and its root.

The modern canal treatment procedure is a kind of microsurgical intervention and requires a sterile working field, and the inflamed tissue is removed with sterile hand or machine instruments. We flush infected canals with the highest quality materials for chemical canal treatment, and fill the canals with bioinert materials. Each healed tooth is monitored radiologically (X-ray). The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia, and as a result of the procedure, we get a tooth root that can be used as a carrier for prosthetic replacements.

Our goal is to keep every tooth because we are aware of its value, and we leave tooth extraction as the last option.